Director of Faculty Development, Sweet Briar College (2021-2024)
Duties include:
Working closely with our VP for Academic Affairs, I mentordeand promote faculty excellence as researchers, professors, and members of the community.
- support all faculty members’ research goals and grant writing;
- mentor all new faculty, including holding monthly themed lunches;
- support BIPOC faculty and staff;
- organize monthly pedagogical and DEI events,
- including twice annual Faculty Development Days;
- help faculty organize and craft tenure and promotion materials;
- hold multiple weekly research and writing groups;
- create and program a monthly series of talks featuring faculty research from across campus;
- hold one on one and group mentoring activities;
- collaborate with our Core and Quality Enhancement Plan Directors to connect their programs and educate the faculty on integrating and rethinking those programs.
Vice President, International Center of Medieval Art (ICMA) (2023-2026)
I will serve as President of the ICMA from 2026-2029
VP Duties include:
The mission of the International Center of Medieval Art is to promote and support the study, understanding, and preservation of visual and material cultures produced primarily between ca. 300 CE and ca. 1500 CE in every corner of the medieval world. To this end the ICMA facilitates scholarship and education and sponsors public lectures, conferences, publications, and exhibitions.
- As a member of the Executive Committee, shadows the President to understand my future tenure. This means serving as an intern for 3 years.
- I help to create, approve, and balance the multi-million dollar budget of the ICMA along with the President, Treasurer, and Executive Director.
- Chair of the Grants and Awards Committee.
- This involves chairing the committee that decides in the early fall on the Research and Publication grants to be awarded with funds given annually to the ICMA by the Kress Foundation and in the spring on the Graduate Student Essay Prizes, Graduate Student Dissertation Travel Awards, and Student Research Award.
- Attends Finance Committee meetings, held thrice per year.
- Travel: Attends and helps prepare for Board meetings twice a year; the spring Board meeting is at the Medieval Congress at Kalamazoo, MI, and the fall Board meeting moves (though it is in New York about every other year). And attends annual ICMA meeting/reception for members at CAA.
- Helps establish policy for the ICMA
- Supervise activities of the ICMA
Presidential Duties include:
- Oversees ICMA Funds – Operations and Programming
- Chief of Executive Committee
- Works with and provides regular input to the fourteen ICMA Committees
- In collaboration with the Executive Director and Vice President, and with advice as needed from the other Executive Committee members, we assign members to committees in the winter of each year, around the time of the general membership meeting.
- Of these, eight committees require the President’s regular input:
- Advocacy Committee
- Digital Resources Committee
- Finance Committee
- Friends of the ICMA
- Membership Committee
- Nominating Committee
- Programs and Lectures Committee
- Works Closely with the Executive Director (office at the Cloisters)
- The President and the Executive Director of the ICMA meet weekly (usually Fridays) via Zoom to discuss the wide ranging activities of the organization.
- Attends National and International Events not Hosted by the Organization
- Attends the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo and represents organization at sessions sponsored by the ICMA and at the ICMA reception there
- Attends whenever possible the ICMA-sponsored sessions at College Art Association Meeting
- Functions as Leading Consultant on National and International Lectures Sponsored by ICMA
- Initiating fundraising campaign in connection with the organization’s 75th anniversary in 2031
- Consults with Legal Counsel
- Keeps the Organization Afloat Day to Day
Board Member, Virginia Educational Development Collaborative
4-Year Private College representative
The Virginia Educational Development Collaborative (VEDC) brings together educational developers from across the state to connect, share expertise, and advance the field. Our members represent a diverse range of institutions and centers for teaching and learning in Virginia.
Duties include:
- Plan and attend quarterly meetings and annual conferences to exchange ideas and effective practices
- Connect with fellow developers at other institutions to brainstorm solutions to common challenges
- Stay up-to-date on the latest research and approaches in educational development
- Create shared resources and materials to enrich our centers and programs
- Join a statewide community of developers committed to pedagogical innovation and student success
- Lead and participate in mentorship programs to support early career developers
- Develop strategic partnerships and collaborative projects across institutions
- Engage in outreach that highlights the value of educational development to key stakeholders
At its core, VEDC aims to foster professional growth, cultivate strong cross-institutional partnerships, promote inclusive and equitable practices in higher education, and provide developers with opportunities to advance their scholarly and creative endeavors.
2022-2025 Nominated and elected to the Council
Medieval Academy of America
Duties include:
“To conduct, encourage, promote and support research, publication and instruction in Mediaeval records, literature, languages, arts, archaeology, history, philosophy, science, life, and all other aspects of Mediaeval civilization, by publications, by research, and by such other means as may be desirable.” (MAA By-Laws)
- Establish policy for the Academy and shall bear ultimate responsibility for its affairs
- Initiate and oversee activities of the Academy
- Approve the annual budget before the beginning of the fiscal year
- Oversee all expenditures.
- Appoint an Executive Director, a Treasurer, one or more editors of Speculum and of other Academy publications, delegates of the Academy (including a delegate to the American Council of Learned Societies).
- Fill Committee vacancies on an annual basis
- Meet at least quarterly, including a meeting in conjunction with the annual meeting.
2020-23 Nominated and elected to the Board of Directors
International Center of Medieval Art (ICMA)
Also serving on the Digital Services and Audit Committees. The ICMA has just elected a new president and will be undergoing a mission review. In March 2020 the Digital Services Committee designed a “Resources for Online Teaching” posted on its website, which it has continued to expand. We are in the process of updating the whole website and adding in a “Member Mosaic” that will include a quilt of images linked to text explaining each object’s personal and scholarly importance, as well as initiating a variety of other outreach and pedagogical projects.
ICMA Digital Mentoring and Lecture Program, Initial Lead Organizer
We have begun this program with an afternoon session held during the virtual International Medieval Congress at Leeds University (vIMC) on July 9th, 2020. Using Zoom, I designed a meeting space for a group of member mentors and mentees who had agreed to participate. We began in a single group to hear a talk on publishing practicalities by Susan Boynton (Columbia University), co-editor of Gesta, followed by a question and answer session. I then moved everyone into three breakout rooms which had separate topics based upon feedback by participants via Google Forms (PhD Application and Survival process; the Job Market; and Fellowships and Funding), and then came back together again for a final exchange. We have additional mentoring events and lectures lined up for the coming months.
Chair, Art History Department, Sweet Briar College
Duties include:
- oversight of departmental budget,
- class scheduling within and without of the department,
- assessment,
- advising,
- course development and major redesign,
- contract negotiation for colleagues,
- oversight of student employees.
Faculty Fellow, Provost’s Office, Virginia Commonwealth University (2019-20)
Duties include:
Heading VCU’s Peer Mentoring Program organized by the Provost’s Office. Mentors and mentees come from all of VCU’s colleges, including the Medical campus, so it was truly multi-disciplinary in nature.
- created six workshops that focused on writing/creation/performance in a variety of manifestations,
- course development and organization,
- mentor maps,
- work/life balance,
- as well as writing a monthly newsletter for the group with topics designed to promote conversation between the pairs, and
- developing a Peer Mentoring Handbook.
- revised the original concept to include more faculty,
- especially those who are not on the tenure track at VCU (term and adjunct contracts) in response to Task Force documents they drafted.
- inaugurated a similar program for our VCU-Qatar campus and an expanded version of it within our Medical Campus.
- also in the process of creating a New Faculty introduction module that will help ease all faculty into their roles at VCU.
- working closely with the Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence as well as the Vice-Provost and multiple Associate Deans for Faculty Development.
Chair, Faculty Senate, Sweet Briar College
Duties included: Ombudsman and liaison between Senior Staff, administration and faculty, untenured faculty, and students; met regularly with President and Dean of Faculty; oversight of college budget and human resources; channel of communication to the Board of Directors; oversaw creation of an Academic Priorities Committee that was designed to streamline our committee structure and redistribute our level of service.
Director, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (MARS) program
Duties included: Oversight of interdisciplinary program, course scheduling, assessment, course development, planning and execution of invited lectures, and student and faculty/staff gatherings and trips.
Co-founder, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (MARS) program, Sweet Briar College
Founded interdisciplinary minor that brought together three core and eight supporting departments; its mission is to encourage students